Episode #13: The Greatest Truths

[one_half]Episode 13[/one_half][one_half_last]August 17, 2015 — 50 mins[/one_half_last] Guests: Scott Rose This week we spawn last episodes ‘digi-dough’ joke into a full blown segment where we ask hip-hop artists (Hoodie Allen, Ace Cosgrove, The Roots, The Cool Kids, Zion I) to spit us a line involving bitcoin. The results…hilarious. In addition to that, gathering friends, followers… Continue reading Episode #13: The Greatest Truths

Episode #12: Boring Economics

[one_half]Episode 12[/one_half][one_half_last]August 10, 2015 — 60 mins[/one_half_last] Guests: Perianne Boring Do you find financial talk a bit…boring? This week, we provide a not so boring perspective on economics. In short, Bitcoin is a disruptive technology that has the potential to transform the global financial services industry and raise the standard of living for all. How… Continue reading Episode #12: Boring Economics

Episode #11: The End of Money

[one_half]Episode 11[/one_half][one_half_last]August 03, 2015 — 45 mins[/one_half_last] Guests: Torsten Hoffmann Epic in scope, todays episode is all about the newly released documentary ‘Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know It‘. This film examines the patterns of technological innovation and questions everything you thought you knew about money. Is Bitcoin an alternative to national currencies backed… Continue reading Episode #11: The End of Money

Episode #10: Bottoms Up

[one_half]Episode 10[/one_half][one_half_last]July 26, 2015 — 46 mins[/one_half_last] Guests: Alcohol Welcome to The Bitcoin Podcasts’ ‘drinking’ episode where every 10th episode we do away with the guests, pour up a few adult beverages and get comfortable. While on the surface it exists as a lonely island of beer surrounded by a sea of whiskey, this weeks episode… Continue reading Episode #10: Bottoms Up

Episode #9: The Curious Case of Remittance

[one_half]Episode 9[/one_half][one_half_last]July 19, 2015 — 51 mins[/one_half_last] Guests: Sandeep Goenka We here at the Bitcoin Podcast have started accepting the fact that Bitcoin is emerging as a leading option to help the remittance market not just reduce cost but increase speed as well. Remittances growth to slow sharply in 2015, as total remittances in 2014 reached $583… Continue reading Episode #9: The Curious Case of Remittance

Episode #8: Bitcoin For The Bottom Billion

[one_half]Episode 8[/one_half][one_half_last]July 13, 2015 — 51 mins[/one_half_last] Guests: Feresteh Forough Afghanistan is a traditional country with an old history. There are still people who are against educating women and who threaten girls but compared to years ago, there is a considerable growth of women’s participation in many aspects like in education, politics, economy, health, arts, etc. Enter: Fereshteh… Continue reading Episode #8: Bitcoin For The Bottom Billion

Episode #7: Under the Iron Veil

[one_half]Episode 7[/one_half][one_half_last]July 06, 2015 — 52 mins[/one_half_last] Guests: Erik Voorhees Holy Greece, Batman! The Bitcoin community is a fascinating mixture of political idealists, technology enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, investors, etc. attracted to some of the interesting problems around Bitcoin and the blockchain.  Much of this work focuses on the theoretical core of bitcoin, and shows real progress towards answering… Continue reading Episode #7: Under the Iron Veil

Episode #6: Aboard the Pequod

[one_half]Episode 6[/one_half][one_half_last]July 02, 2015 — 50 mins[/one_half_last] Guests: Whale Club Teamspeak & Gray Noguera This episode we get technical! Don’t know what a Pequod is? Google it! It’s quite relative to who is joining us at the roundtable this week — WhaleClub TeamSpeak! We invite a few guys from the Bitcoin Trader community of 250+ users that focus… Continue reading Episode #6: Aboard the Pequod

Episode #5: The World’s Strongest

  [one_half]Episode 5[/one_half][one_half_last]June 28, 2015 — 50 mins[/one_half_last] Guests: Paul Puey As Bitcoin’s price has declined over the last year, critics have been quick to declare the virtual currency dead. Bitcoin’s true value, though, might not be in the currency itself but in the engine that makes it possible. Data security is becoming the sparkle in… Continue reading Episode #5: The World’s Strongest

Episode #4: Change Jar 2.0

  [one_half]Episode 4[/one_half][one_half_last]June 22, 2015 — 53 mins[/one_half_last] Guests: The Lawnmower.io Team It wasn’t too long ago when Apple blocked bitcoin apps from being available through its App Store. Who could forget the angry bitcoin users destroying iPhones because of it!? Bitcoin’s real killer apps won’t be alternatives to existing systems, they will solve problems… Continue reading Episode #4: Change Jar 2.0