Today Corey talks with Rajeev Gopalakrishna, founder of Secureum. Secureum is a premiere bootcamp for Web3 security auditors. We’re going to dive into the problem with finding quality talent in the security space and how he’s attempting to fix it. We are also joined by 4 of the top performers in the first iteration of… Continue reading Hashing It Out – Secureum – Rajeev and Top Performers of Epoch 0
Tag: web3 design
The Bitcoin Podcast #359 – Cory Doctorow – Author
This is an interview only show. Jessie and Corey speak at length with Attack Surface Author Cory Doctorow about the problems with Bitcoin and the current issues we are dealing with in society when it comes to technology. In the show notes you can find where you can purchase Cory Doctorow’s latest book Attack Surface.… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #359 – Cory Doctorow – Author
The Bitcoin Podcast #351-Jonny Huxtable ChainLink/LinkPool
In this roundtable Corey, Jessie, and Dee cover the sheer stupidity of Dogecoin, Bitcoin getting itself together with Taproot, and our favorite friend Coinbase. In the interview Corey and Jessie speak to Jonny Huxtable of ChainLink/Linkpool. The interview breaks down how oracle systems work and why Linkpool node building is essential for the cryptocurrency community.… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #351-Jonny Huxtable ChainLink/LinkPool
DoE #42 – Major Incremental Improvements
Support Evan’s Week in Ethereum News on GitCoin: Lucian and Evan Van Ness discuss the new round of GitCoin Grants, their incentive structure and how they deal with sybil attacks. We admire the development effort that has allowed Geth to reduce bandwidth consumption by 75%. Aztec implemented a rollup. Eth 2 phase 0 spec… Continue reading DoE #42 – Major Incremental Improvements
Blocked By Design #8 – UX Audits
Aqeel and Amy examine the current opportunity and role of UX Audits in the web3, open-source, and blockchain design space. Learn about the purpose UX audits serve, how they were implemented at Devcon for the past 2 years, and the challenges faced in making them more integral to the service offerings in the eco-system. Also,… Continue reading Blocked By Design #8 – UX Audits
Blocked By Design- #7 – User Research Pt. 4
For the final episode of our User Research in Web 3 series. Aqeel is joined by Hester Bruikman the self-proclaimed “Product people translator” at Status. We examine how boots on the ground field research methodologies provide the necessary context required to develop products for Crypto and Web3 technologies. Learn about how in-person local research provides… Continue reading Blocked By Design- #7 – User Research Pt. 4
Blocked By Design- #Ep 6 – User Research Pt. 3
For part 3 of the 4 part User Research series Reem and Aqeel had the great pleasure of speaking with Georgia Rakusen about the skills and expertise required to create a high impact User Research strategy. We dive deep into the role of cognitive biases at the intersection of psychology and technology. Examining the process… Continue reading Blocked By Design- #Ep 6 – User Research Pt. 3
Blocked By Design # 5-User Research Pt. 2
For the second part in our 4 part User Research series Aqeel and Reem speak with Omna to learn more about how the design teams in Web3 eco-system approach Quantitative and Qualitative research methodologies to better understand the end users and what the actual value proposition is for their service offering. Learn about the challenges… Continue reading Blocked By Design # 5-User Research Pt. 2
Blocked By Design # 4 – User Research Pt.1
What is User Research? And why is it so important? In the debut of our 4 part series, Xuan Yue guides us through her unique journey getting involved with User research from community involvement with Livepeer in an opensource design environment. The remaining episodes will dive deeper into the UX research process when it comes… Continue reading Blocked By Design # 4 – User Research Pt.1
Blocked by Design #3 – Weaponized Design
What if one day you woke up and realized the social impact project you worked on is now a tool for oppression? How about if that innocuous gamified app you’ve been using happens to also be a surveillance tool for hackers? Where do we draw the line between “ethical” and “poor” design? Find out more… Continue reading Blocked by Design #3 – Weaponized Design