Hashing It Out is continuing its series on the infrastructure of blockchain with the Network Layer. In this episode, Corey, Dee and Jessie talk to Assistant Professor of electrical and computer engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, Giulia Fanti & member of the Vac research development group at Status, Hanno Cornelius. Stay tuned for part 2,… Continue reading Hashing It Out: Network Infrastructure Pt. 1
Tag: privacy
The Bitcoin Podcast #395- Orie Steele Transmute Industries
Our Interview is with Orie Steele of Transmute Industries- we talk with him about WEB3 and WEB5 Social Media Of Trasnmute Industries Website: https://transmute.industries/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUtBzCKziRpFleZcsnVpUkw Twitter: https://twitter.com/TransmuteNews Medium: https://medium.com/@Transmute Github:https://github.com/OR13 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/or13b Orie Steele Twitter: :https://twitter.com/or13b HomeWork W3C : https://w3c-ccg.github.io/traceability-interop/ https://www.w3.org/2001/sw/interest/ Matthew Green: https://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2022/06/09/in-defense-of-cryptocurrency/ Verifiable Credentials: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verifiable_credentials The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: https://launchpass.com/thebitcoinpodcast Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/TheBitcoinPodcastNetwork Website: https://thebitcoinpodcast.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/thebtcpodcast… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #395- Orie Steele Transmute Industries
Hashing It Out – Secureum – Rajeev and Top Performers of Epoch 0
Today Corey talks with Rajeev Gopalakrishna, founder of Secureum. Secureum is a premiere bootcamp for Web3 security auditors. We’re going to dive into the problem with finding quality talent in the security space and how he’s attempting to fix it. We are also joined by 4 of the top performers in the first iteration of… Continue reading Hashing It Out – Secureum – Rajeev and Top Performers of Epoch 0
The Bitcoin Podcast #377- Dan Edlebeck CEO of Exidio
Jessie and Dee in this interview only ep speak with Dan Edlebeck of Exidio about making a peer to peer privacy decentralize network similar to TOR . Social Media Of Exidio & Sentinel Website: https://www.exidio.co/ Website:https://sentinel.co/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/Sentinel_co Telegram:https://t.me/sentinel_co Discord: https://discord.com/invite/mmAA8qF Github:https://github.com/sentinel-official Dan Edlebeck Twitter: https://twitter.com/deeeedle The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: https://launchpass.com/thebitcoinpodcast Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/TheBitcoinPodcastNetwork Website: https://thebitcoinpodcast.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/thebtcpodcast
The Bitcoin Podcast #354- Henry Trademark Universal Stone
On this roundtable Jessie and Dee keep it short as they talk about Elon and the Banks in this week’s discussion. A friend from work Henry and Kevin stop by to get On Ramp by Dee in the interview. The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: https://launchpass.com/thebitcoinpodcast Bitcoin Store: https://store.thebitcoinpodcast.com/ Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/TheBitcoinPodcastNetwork Website: https://thebitcoinpodcast.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/thebtcpodcast
The Bitcoin Podcast #347- Coinbase is a Grown
Jessie, Dee, and Corey discuss Coinbase going public, Signal having a crypto coin, and what are the downsides of wash trading. Production Note: Corey’s Audio in the beginning of the podcast was not correct but will smooth out later in the Episode. Sorry for the Technical Diffculties. Please Like, Share, and Subscribe to our channel.… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #347- Coinbase is a Grown
The Bitcoin Podcast Show #302- CTO Dávid Molnár and Lucas Ontivero Wasabi Wallet
Dee and Corey talk about the potential of a digital dollar coming to everyone in our very near future courtesy of the US Govt. Then Dee carries over a conversation from last week about Smart Contracts and can Ethereum ever “BE” the stable asset that people need in the finical world. We have a very… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast Show #302- CTO Dávid Molnár and Lucas Ontivero Wasabi Wallet
DoE # 37 – Trading on Optimism
Evan put out a new Year in Ethereum, which is a comprehensive update on how much can get done in this space in just 365 days. Gavin Andresen layout the next logical step for tornado cash, wallet integration. Coffee futures tokenized. Plasma group + VC $$ = Optimism. Starkware provides data showing that cutting gas… Continue reading DoE # 37 – Trading on Optimism
Hashing It Out #EP 71-Grin-Michael Cordner and David Burkett
Michael Cordner / Yeastplume, long time Grin contributor and part of the core team, and David Burkett, long time member of the Grin community, creator of the C++ standalone implementation of Grin, proposer of the soon to be released TOR transaction building method, and lead on Litecoin’s Mimblewimble Extension block project. They’ve both agreed to… Continue reading Hashing It Out #EP 71-Grin-Michael Cordner and David Burkett
DoE # 35 – 2019’s Greatest Hits in Ethereum
Lucian and Evan cover highlights from Ethereum related news and inadvertently created a list of the top projects of 2019. We cover GitCoin Matching Grants program, Tornado Cash, and MolochDAO. Then we talk about the recent FileCoin testnet launch and we dwell on the system requirements, which are unreasonably high, and how that will impact… Continue reading DoE # 35 – 2019’s Greatest Hits in Ethereum