The Bitcoin Podcast-#399- Sir, You Cannot Do That Here

Tornado Cash is causing more ripple effects in Ethereum than the GPU crash. The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: Website: Twitter: You Can Find Hashing It Out Podcast Here Website: RSS Feed:

The Bitcoin Podcast #398- The Math Ain’t Mathing…… Manye

 Bridges, Smart Contracts, Crypto-Businesses, are falling left and right- this winter is very different from the last one. Will the merge in Eth go without a hitch ? You Can Find Hashing It Out Podcast Here: Website: RSSFeed: The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: Website: Twitter:

The Bitcoin Podcast #397-When is a Blockchain Decentralized?

Dee and Jessie talk about the decline in American Education and how people are not properly prepared for the future. The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: Patreon: Website: Twitter:

The Bitcoin Podcast Ep #396-_______ Take The Wheel

On this roundtable Dee, Jessie, and Corey talk about who is next to fall in this bear market. The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: Patreon: Website: Twitter:

The Bitcoin Podcast #393- Nothing To See Here, Move Along Now

The change to POS on Ethereum is moving a long at a quick pace now. ### The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media ### Join-Slack: Patreon:… Website: Twitter: DADDAO:

The Bitcoin Podcast #392-It is Bubble Season , What Are You Carrying ?

On this roundtable discussion the boys talk about The Bubble Season. The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: Patreon: Website: Twitter: DADDAO:

The Bitcoin Podcast #391-Reggie Middleton of Vertaseum

In our roundtable discussion Jessie, Dee, and Corey talked about consensus mechanisms and patents.  Reggie Middleton is our Guest of DeFi  and Veritaseum fame. Social Media Of Vertaseum Website: YouTube: Twitter: Telegram: Reggie Middleton Twitter: The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: Patreon: Website: Twitter: DADDAO:

Flashback: The Bitcoin Podcast #209: Emin Gun Sirer

This is a Flashback Episode, we are going back to June 2018 in which Emin Gün Sirer makes his third of seven appearances on The Bitcoin Podcast Network.  Back for the third time, Emin stops by to drop some knowledge bombs on us! He is an associate professor of computer science at Cornell University, and is… Continue reading Flashback: The Bitcoin Podcast #209: Emin Gun Sirer

Hashing It Out – Secureum – Rajeev and Top Performers of Epoch 0

Today Corey talks with Rajeev Gopalakrishna, founder of Secureum. Secureum is a premiere bootcamp for Web3 security auditors. We’re going to dive into the problem with finding quality talent in the security space and how he’s attempting to fix it. We are also joined by 4 of the top performers in the first iteration of… Continue reading Hashing It Out – Secureum – Rajeev and Top Performers of Epoch 0

Flashback: The Bitcoin Podcast #68: Deconstructing theDAO Attack

This is a Flashback Episode, we are going back to June 2016 in which Emin Gün Sirer makes his second of seven appearances on The Bitcoin Podcast Network.  Emin Gün Sirer is a great mind and future thinker for CryptoCurrency, smart contracts and DAOs. I’m also supporting his stance to start working on DAO2.0 in… Continue reading Flashback: The Bitcoin Podcast #68: Deconstructing theDAO Attack