The Bull Pen Podcast

The Bullpen Podcast #38: $700,000 Gains and Losses in Cryptocurrency

In Episode 38 of The Bull Pen Podcast, The Crypto Bully steps into the Bull Pen with a unique individual who goes by Vicious aka Bitcoin Stoner. Discovering crypto early on and having the opportunity to invest in the Ethereum ICO based on a hunch proved to be one the best decisions ever made after checking in on Ethereum’s prices a few years later. This then started a roller coaster ride of emotions and a learning lesson that Vicious would never forget. After experiencing tremendous gains, unbelievable losses and moments of deep depression, Vicious made it through the market’s ups and downs coming out with a sharper mind, stronger emotional IQ and most importantly…a game plan for the next alt coin season.
Show notes:

00:00:00 – Preview
00:00:24 – Disclaimer
00:01:11 – Intro
00:02:00 – Interview
00:54:48 – Outro

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