The Bitcoin Podcast #310- Jessica Angel Crypto Artist
On this round table discussion, Dee shares a story of on Ramping his Dad into Crypto using Coinbase. Corey and Dee answer the technical question of the Episode: What a Multi-Signatures is in Bitcoin? Please, join our Slack so you can participate in contributing technical questions to be answered by Corey. Our guest this week is Jessica Angel, a Crypto Artist.
Our Guest Links:
- Website-Jessica Angel Arts
- Website- Art Project
- Twitter- ArtProjectD
- Twitter-Cryptoartsy
- Telegram- ArtProject Community
- Email- Jessica Angel
Art+Blockchain Marketplaces And Learning Places:
- Superrrare
- Makers Place
- Known Origin
- Crypto Art School
- Jason Bailey-Artnome
- Karl Schroeder- Stealing Worlds