Hashing It Out Personals: Rick Dudley

Today we’ll be talking with Rick Dudley, the president of Vulcanize, Inc. Rick has been around the blockchain space for quite a while in various aspects, and has contributed to a multitude of projects. We’re going to dive into as many as we can, as well as what he thinks the future of this ecosystem… Continue reading Hashing It Out Personals: Rick Dudley

The Bitcoin Podcast #372- Julien Genestoux Unlock Protocol

In this interview only Jessie and Corey talk to Julien Genestoux of Unlock Protocol on taking NFTs to the next level. Social Media Of Unlock Protocol Website: https://unlock-protocol.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/unlockprotocol Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Ah6ZEJyTDp Forum: https://unlock.community/ The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: https://launchpass.com/thebitcoinpodcast Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/TheBitcoinPodcastNetwork Website: https://thebitcoinpodcast.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/thebtcpodcast

The Bitcoin Podcast #364-Jonathan Chester of BitWage

On our roundtable discussion Jessie, Dee, and Corey speak about the profitability of Bitcoin mining using renewable energy, Vitalik to the rescue, and hacks in the cryptocurrency space. Our Interview is with a returning Guest CEO of BitWage Jonathan Chester. He comes on to talk about the progress of BitWage and the future it holds… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #364-Jonathan Chester of BitWage

NFT QT EP 003-Why Access Tokens Are The Most Underrated NFTs

On this episode of the NFT QT podcast, QuHarrison and Ryan discuss Access-based NFTs, which are essentially NFTs that grant you ongoing access to experiences in-and-out of the metaverse. They cover the two most famous Access tokens: VeeFriends and The Metakey. And they close the episode out with an NFT ideastorm on Access tokens they… Continue reading NFT QT EP 003-Why Access Tokens Are The Most Underrated NFTs

The Bitcoin Podcast #361-Erik Voorhees Founder of Shapeshift

Jessie, Corey, and Dee in our Roundtable gets into the weeds of building systems that actually help people seek financial freedom. The interview is with Erik Voorhees on the decentralzation of Shape Shift and the complexity of making a company into a DAO. ******THIS EPISODE IS SPONSOR BY MANSCAPE****** Get 20% OFF @manscaped + Free… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #361-Erik Voorhees Founder of Shapeshift

NFT QT EP 002- How NFT QT is Selling Out of NFTs in Less Than An Hour

In this episode, QuHarrison and Ryan discuss the vision behind the NFT QT-branded NFTs – from Crypto Cool-Aid to Crypto Mixtape – and how they’re able to sell their NFTs just minutes after they drop. Later in the episode, they bounce ideas back and forth on topics such as: – DMV Flashpasses in the form… Continue reading NFT QT EP 002- How NFT QT is Selling Out of NFTs in Less Than An Hour

The Bitcoin Podcast #360- Unboxing Grid+ Lattice 1

This episode is a little different as Corey unboxes a Grid+ Lattice 1 hardware wallet and goes over the functionality of this paticular hardware wallet. On our roundtable discussion Jessie, Dee, and Corey continue to unbox things and cover all the news concerning the drop in Bitcoin Hashing Power. Social Media Of Grid Plus Website:https://gridplus.io/… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #360- Unboxing Grid+ Lattice 1

NFT QT EP 001 – Virtual Real Estate

  This is a new podcast to The Bitcoin Podcast Network, covering the crypto world of NFTs. On this first episode, Host Q, Matt, and Ryan cover the world of Virtual Real Estate.  Breaking down the players in the spaces, the controversy, how this new developing  space works, and what economic positions are being created… Continue reading NFT QT EP 001 – Virtual Real Estate

The Bitcoin Podcast #359 – Cory Doctorow – Author

This is an interview only show. Jessie and Corey speak at length with  Attack Surface Author Cory Doctorow about the problems with Bitcoin and the current issues we are dealing with in society when it comes to technology. In the show notes you can find where you can purchase Cory Doctorow’s latest book Attack Surface.… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #359 – Cory Doctorow – Author

The Bitcoin Podcast #358-Juan M Hernandez CEO of Curio

Our roundtable discussion Jessie and Dee talk about China and the need for new ideas in the cryptocurrency space. Jessie and Corey interview Juan M Hernandez, CEO of Curio. Social Media Of Guest Twitter:https://twitter.com/CurioNFT Discord:https://discord.com/invite/wKabwGznxq Other:https://oncurio.com/collections/scott-pilgrim Website: https://oncurio.com/ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/CurioNFT/ The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: https://launchpass.com/thebitcoinpodcast Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/TheBitcoinPodcastNetwork Website: https://thebitcoinpodcast.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/thebtcpodcast