The Bitcoin Podcast #362- Philip Devine of CryptoBlades

 Dee, Corey, and Jessie in our Roundtable discussion talk about what projects in the Cryptocurrency space spur the adoption needed to make Crypto mainstream. In the interview Jessie and Corey take a journey across the vast realm that is NFT to speak to Philip Devine of CryptoBlades. ******THIS EPISODE IS SPONSOR BY MANSCAPE****** Get… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #362- Philip Devine of CryptoBlades

The Bitcoin Podcast #361-Erik Voorhees Founder of Shapeshift

Jessie, Corey, and Dee in our Roundtable gets into the weeds of building systems that actually help people seek financial freedom. The interview is with Erik Voorhees on the decentralzation of Shape Shift and the complexity of making a company into a DAO. ******THIS EPISODE IS SPONSOR BY MANSCAPE****** Get 20% OFF @manscaped + Free… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #361-Erik Voorhees Founder of Shapeshift

NFT QT EP 002- How NFT QT is Selling Out of NFTs in Less Than An Hour

In this episode, QuHarrison and Ryan discuss the vision behind the NFT QT-branded NFTs – from Crypto Cool-Aid to Crypto Mixtape – and how they’re able to sell their NFTs just minutes after they drop. Later in the episode, they bounce ideas back and forth on topics such as: – DMV Flashpasses in the form… Continue reading NFT QT EP 002- How NFT QT is Selling Out of NFTs in Less Than An Hour

The Bitcoin Podcast #358-Juan M Hernandez CEO of Curio

Our roundtable discussion Jessie and Dee talk about China and the need for new ideas in the cryptocurrency space. Jessie and Corey interview Juan M Hernandez, CEO of Curio. Social Media Of Guest Twitter: Discord: Other: Website: Instagram: The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: Patreon: Website: Twitter:

The Bitcoin Podcast #355- A Kickback Celebrating Six years

A Kickback: a get together that has more people han a hangout but less than a party. by alikat12 Feb 19, 2015 Urban Dictionary.The boys celebrate six years in the podcasting space talking about crypto and reflecting on the journey they have been on together. Main Show- 355 Episodes 15 Shows on the Network 320… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #355- A Kickback Celebrating Six years

The Bitcoin Podcast #354- Henry Trademark Universal Stone

On this roundtable Jessie and Dee keep it short as they talk about Elon and the Banks in this week’s discussion. A friend from work Henry and Kevin stop by to get On Ramp by Dee in the interview. The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: Bitcoin Store: Patreon: Website: Twitter:

The Bitcoin Podcast #353- TJ Rush TrueBlocks

Our roundtable discussion Jessie, Dee, and Corey cover miners being so secretive and the big turkey of price dropping. We had the great pleasuer ofThomas Jay Rush  CEO of TrueBlocks as our Guest this week. Social Media Of TrueBlocks Website: Github: Twitter: Thomas Jay Rush Twitter: Github: Medium: The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack:… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #353- TJ Rush TrueBlocks

The Bitcoin Podcast #351-Jonny Huxtable ChainLink/LinkPool

In this roundtable Corey, Jessie, and Dee cover the sheer stupidity of Dogecoin, Bitcoin getting itself together with Taproot, and our favorite friend Coinbase. In the interview Corey and Jessie speak to Jonny Huxtable of ChainLink/Linkpool. The interview  breaks down how  oracle systems work and why Linkpool node building is essential for the cryptocurrency community.… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #351-Jonny Huxtable ChainLink/LinkPool

The Bitcoin Podcast #347- Coinbase is a Grown

Jessie, Dee, and Corey discuss Coinbase going public, Signal having a crypto coin, and what are the downsides of wash trading. Production Note: Corey’s Audio in the beginning of the podcast was not correct but will smooth out later in the Episode. Sorry for the Technical Diffculties.  Please Like, Share, and Subscribe to our channel.… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #347- Coinbase is a Grown

The Bitcoin Podcast #346- Chad Knight Metaverse Artist

On this roundtable Jessie, Dee, and Corey Petty talk about the importance of security and different wallet styles of BItcoin and Ethereum. Our Interview is with Chad Knight, a Metaverse Artist.  Please subscribe to Our to YouTube Channel. A lucky subscriber when we hit 1000 subcribers will get 100 Bags of Flamin Hot Cheetos to… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #346- Chad Knight Metaverse Artist