The Bitcoin Podcast #329- Andrew Reistad BTCParser

Jessie and Dee on this roundtable discussion talk about who in the Corporate world owns Bitcoin and does it matter to you if they own Bitcoin. Our Guest is Andrew Reistad of BTCParser. Links:BTCParser Website-BotSite Website-Company Telegram Sponsor Links Avalanche The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack Bitcoin Store Patreon Donate! Discuss

Hashing It Out #79- Alex Masmejean Rocket NFT/MetaCartel

Alex is part of MetaCartel, a group of developers seeking to make Dapps decentralize as possible, beginning with their developers. Alex is also part of Rocket NFT, a company that aims to create Defi loans using NTFs as collateral. Links: Website- Metacartel Twitter- Metacartel Hackathon- Metacartel Twitter- Rocket NFT Twitter- Alexmasmej Sponsor Status Website Status… Continue reading Hashing It Out #79- Alex Masmejean Rocket NFT/MetaCartel

Hashing It Out #77-Tendermint & Cosmos w/ Brent, Chjango , and Sunny

Sunny, Brent, and Chjango of Tendermint breakdown the components of the Cosmos Network from the IBC, Cosmos SDK, and the Cosmos Hub. Sunny covers what the future of Cosmos will be within the coming year. Chjango talks about Cosmos test network named Game of Zones which launches May 1 2020. Links: Website-Tendermint Website-Cosmos Network GamesofZones… Continue reading Hashing It Out #77-Tendermint & Cosmos w/ Brent, Chjango , and Sunny