The Bitcoin Podcast #330- Rachel Siegel CryptoFinally

Corey will be back next week. Meanwhile, Jesse and Dee hold it down on this roundtable talk about price,the launch of ETH 2.0, and Social Media Drama. Our Guest is Rachel Siegel CryptoFinally. Links:CryptoFinally Website Twitter YouTube Sponsor Links Avalanche The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack Bitcoin Store Patreon Donate!

The Bitcoin Podcast #310- Jessica Angel Crypto Artist

On this round table discussion, Dee shares a story of on Ramping his Dad into Crypto using Coinbase. Corey and Dee answer the technical question of the Episode: What a Multi-Signatures is in Bitcoin? Please, join our Slack so you can participate in contributing technical questions to be answered by Corey. Our guest this week… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #310- Jessica Angel Crypto Artist

Hashing It Out #72-Althea-Jehan Tremback

Althea is a system that lets routers pay each other for bandwidth. This allows people to set up decentralized ISPs in their communities. In an Althea network, instead of one ISP at the top collecting monthly payments, many different people can earn money by expanding and strengthening the network. Links: Althea Website Althea Twitter Jehan… Continue reading Hashing It Out #72-Althea-Jehan Tremback

The Bitcoin Podcast #290 – The Recap Of The Year 2019

DESCRIPTION Corey and Dee bring back the classic drunken show format for the end of the year 2019 recap. This recap included discussion about Andrew Yang,Digital Signatures, A 2019 Prediction came true, Jamie Bartlett of The Missing Crypto Queen and more on this show. LINKS Donate! Discuss

The Bitcoin Podcast #287- Isabela Bagueros- Tor Project

Description This Roundtable, Dee, Dr. Corey Petty, and Dr. Andy Boyan from the Slack (please join) discuss decentralization vs. centralization and big banks vs. small banks. The most crucial topic discuss can communities’ successfully opt-out of the existing financial system. The Interview is with Isabela Bagueros, Executive Director of the Tor Project. LINKS Website– Tor… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #287- Isabela Bagueros- Tor Project