Demetrick and Corey’s Round Table discussion catches everyone up on their personal life, what a future market is, and what a “seed phrase” is. The back-end discussion covers what’s coming up in Maker’s multicollateral DAI transition. The interview is with Daniel Luca, a smart contract auditor at ConsenSys Diligence. The boys task him to answering… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast:#283 Daniel Luca-ConsenSys Diligence
Tag: Ether
The Bitcoin Podcast #280: Norm — Lightning in a Box
A free-for-all that enter roundtable session between the patrons of The Bitcoin Podcast Network and Lord of the GPPs, Dee. It became a little controversial this episode as the roundtable attendees were stirring the conversation toward other issues in crypto, but for some reason Dee was centered on the conversation staying in the lane of… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #280: Norm — Lightning in a Box
The Bitcoin Podcast #278: Benny Giang — Cheeze Wizards
Blockchain and gaming…it should be a combination as powerful as peanut butter and jelly, or cheese and prosciutto, or hot sauce and popcorn…but it has been a slow take off for the melding of these industries. Corey and Demetrick discuss what some of the perks of the NFTs can offer up to the gaming industry… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #278: Benny Giang — Cheeze Wizards