Flashback: The Bitcoin Podcast #68: Deconstructing theDAO Attack

This is a Flashback Episode, we are going back to June 2016 in which Emin Gün Sirer makes his second of seven appearances on The Bitcoin Podcast Network.  Emin Gün Sirer is a great mind and future thinker for CryptoCurrency, smart contracts and DAOs. I’m also supporting his stance to start working on DAO2.0 in… Continue reading Flashback: The Bitcoin Podcast #68: Deconstructing theDAO Attack

The Bitcoin Podcast #295-Simon and Alex of Liquality /Consensys

Dee and Corey speak upon predictions they have had on the show about the cryptocurrency space and how many of these predictions have come true. One of these predictions is mining and we now have nuclear power plants are mining cryptocurrency. Dee  also ponders – Are we in The End Game of Bitcoin becoming the… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #295-Simon and Alex of Liquality /Consensys