The Bitcoin Podcast #355- A Kickback Celebrating Six years

A Kickback: a get together that has more people han a hangout but less than a party. by alikat12 Feb 19, 2015 Urban Dictionary.The boys celebrate six years in the podcasting space talking about crypto and reflecting on the journey they have been on together. Main Show- 355 Episodes 15 Shows on the Network 320… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #355- A Kickback Celebrating Six years

The Bitcoin Podcast #354- Henry Trademark Universal Stone

On this roundtable Jessie and Dee keep it short as they talk about Elon and the Banks in this week’s discussion. A friend from work Henry and Kevin stop by to get On Ramp by Dee in the interview. The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: Bitcoin Store: Patreon: Website: Twitter:

The Bitcoin Podcast #352- Aram Barnett Will Nichols 721 Collective

In this roundtable Corey, Jessie, and Dee cover Vitalik Dumping on the community and other cryptocurrency news..Joe Blau CEO/Co-founder of Tokenlaunch  comes to the Roundtable as a Special Guest to discuss his project. The interview is with Aram Barnett and Will Nichols about taking NFTs to the next level with their project 721 Collective. On… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #352- Aram Barnett Will Nichols 721 Collective

The Bitcoin Podcast #348-Co-Founder Vasja Veber Of Viberate

On this roundtable discussion Dee and Jessie do not go off the rails much, cover Coinbase IPO, crackdown by the man, and the cure for everything Mexican Fruit Punch Soda. Our Guest is Vasja Veber of Viberate a Musician Focus Analytics Company seeking to NFT Gigs for Musicians. Please Like, Share, and Subscribe to our… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #348-Co-Founder Vasja Veber Of Viberate

The Bitcoin Podcast #346- Chad Knight Metaverse Artist

On this roundtable Jessie, Dee, and Corey Petty talk about the importance of security and different wallet styles of BItcoin and Ethereum. Our Interview is with Chad Knight, a Metaverse Artist.  Please subscribe to Our to YouTube Channel. A lucky subscriber when we hit 1000 subcribers will get 100 Bags of Flamin Hot Cheetos to… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #346- Chad Knight Metaverse Artist

The Bitcoin Podcast #345- Alberto Cevallos Lead Developer of ForceDAO

On our roundtable discussion Jessie, Dee, and Corey talked about what is a token and how airdrops incentivize communities. In this interview Dee, Corey, and Jessie have a great conversation with Alberto Cevallos of ForceDao. **OUR GUEST BIO** Force DAO is a newly launched yield aggregator. Users deposit digital assets into smart contract vaults, and… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #345- Alberto Cevallos Lead Developer of ForceDAO

The Bitcoin Podcast #342- Origin Story

On this roundtable Dee, Corey, and Jessie give their Origin Story in the cryptocurrency space and why they are still here in the crypto space after all these years. This segment is Audience Participation with our Patrons join us to ask questions to the Host. No Guest. The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack Bitcoin Store… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #342- Origin Story

The Bitcoin Podcast #320- Devin Finzer OpenSea

Dee and Jesse Broke talk about what is going on in the Defi and what yEARN is doing for the people. Then Jesse and Dee breakdown how ETH2.0 may not be as safe as people would like to think it will be for them. Our Guest is Devin Finzer of OpenSea. Links:OpenSea Website Twitter Instagram… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #320- Devin Finzer OpenSea

DoE #43 – Break Free

Lucian and Evan are back to talk about this week’s Ethereum news. Evan’s Week in Ethereum is now his full time gig! Brave has over 5 Million daily active users, so we share our tips on how we use it. Reddit launched an Ethereum wallet for /r/fortnightBR and /r/cryptocurrency. Watch this and show a friend… Continue reading DoE #43 – Break Free

What The Header-#3- Nonce

Jesse and Dee move along on their journey in understanding Bitcoin. On this episode cover, is Bitcoin a Ponzi scheme and how mining works in Bitcoin. Links: Website -Learn Me A Bitcoin Website- The Bitcoin Podcast Twitter- The Bitcoin Podcast Slack- Join Book- Can You Describe Bitcoin? Blockchain? Ethereum? Book- Mastering Bitcoin