Blocked By Design- #Ep 6 – User Research Pt. 3

For part 3 of the 4 part User Research series Reem and Aqeel had the great pleasure of speaking with Georgia Rakusen about the skills and expertise required to create a high impact User Research strategy. We dive deep into the role of cognitive biases at the intersection of psychology and technology. Examining the process… Continue reading Blocked By Design- #Ep 6 – User Research Pt. 3

Blocked By Design # 4 – User Research Pt.1

What is User Research? And why is it so important? In the debut of our 4 part series, Xuan Yue guides us through her unique journey getting involved with User research from community involvement with Livepeer in an opensource design environment. The remaining episodes will dive deeper into the UX research process when it comes… Continue reading Blocked By Design # 4 – User Research Pt.1