Blocked By Design- #Ep 6 – User Research Pt. 3

For part 3 of the 4 part User Research series Reem and Aqeel had the great pleasure of speaking with Georgia Rakusen about the skills and expertise required to create a high impact User Research strategy. We dive deep into the role of cognitive biases at the intersection of psychology and technology. Examining the process… Continue reading Blocked By Design- #Ep 6 – User Research Pt. 3

Blocked By Design # 5-User Research Pt. 2

For the second part in our 4 part User Research series Aqeel and Reem speak with Omna to learn more about how the design teams in Web3 eco-system approach Quantitative and Qualitative research methodologies to better understand the end users and what the actual value proposition is for their service offering. Learn about the challenges… Continue reading Blocked By Design # 5-User Research Pt. 2