The Bitcoin Podcast #310- Jessica Angel Crypto Artist

On this round table discussion, Dee shares a story of on Ramping his Dad into Crypto using Coinbase. Corey and Dee answer the technical question of the Episode: What a Multi-Signatures is in Bitcoin? Please, join our Slack so you can participate in contributing technical questions to be answered by Corey. Our guest this week… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #310- Jessica Angel Crypto Artist

What The Header #4- Hello, J.K. Rowling

If you are into CryptoTwitter, it was an extra messy this week. If you are not into CryptoTwitter, this is what happen J.K. Rowling asked Twitter- I don’t understand bitcoin. Please explain it to me. Well, that did not go very well. Please share this series with anyone who may ask this question of you.… Continue reading What The Header #4- Hello, J.K. Rowling