
On-Ramping with Dee: Episode #12

Episode 12
August 07, 2017 — 53 mins
Guests: Nathaniel Ferguson

This is a very special ORWD! Dee gets to talk with his brother about Bitcoin. After initially showing Nathan Bitcoin in 2013…4 years later, not only has Nathan purchased, but his curiosity is almost more than his reservation for Bitcoin. He’s appreciated the gains in his money pots, but yearns to take nibbles of all that is crypto and learn about this paradigm shifting platform. Enjoy…this is a jazzy talk!

  1. Demetrick Ferguson

    8 years ago

    The social implications are fascinating. Pretty much brought me all-in to this space. I am glad you liked the episode!

  2. Katie

    8 years ago

    Enjoyed your podcast episode! I was reminded of dynamics and discussions with my sister. (Like your brother, I’m older, and she got me into Bitcoin). Once you get beyond the tech talk and consider the social implications… WOW. Fascinating.