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Not Another Bitcoin Podcast #6: John Crothers

Episode 6
July 19, 2017 — 101 mins
Guests: John Crothers

John Crothers is a YouTube personality who goes by ‘Crypto Therapy’ on his channel, where you’ll find parodies and other comical, crypto related, humorous content. On his show he not only mocks the top personalities but also Vlogs on crypto current events as well as publicly tracks and reports his cloud mining experiences. This was a viewer demanded show. My inbox was blowing up with requests to speak with the crypto comedian who goes by Crypto Therapy. So if you’re looking for a good laugh with some crypto chat in the mix, this episode is just for you. John and I shoot the shit, just getting to know each other. Can’t wait to have him on again, but till then…..Que the intro!