Hashing It Out #31: Pokt Network – Michael O’Rourke & Luis C. de Leon
Episode 31
November 28, 2018 — 61 mins
Guests: Michael O’Rourke & Luis C. de LeonThis episode features Michael O’Rourke (CEO) and Luis C. de Leon (CTO) of Pocket. Pocket is a chain-agnostic decentralized AWS for blockchain full nodes. In a world where full nodes become more expensive to run, Pokt aims to have people host their nodes in their network by registering it with their Proof of Stake blockchain. Using Pokt tokens, someone can rent usage of the full node, using the node’s stake as a guarantee of availability, removing the concern of maintaining one’s own hardware (virtual or otherwise) to create a decentralized application.
Website: https://www.pokt.network/