Flashback: The Bitcoin Podcast #46- The Fundamental Conflict

This is a Flashback Episode, we are going back to March 2016 in which our Guest  Emin Gün Sirer makes his first of seven appearances on The Bitcoin Podcast Network. 

The boys compare bitcoin to the Animatrix and we invite Emin, a professor at Cornell University to talk a bit about how he has worked to improve Bitcoin in various ways during these, oh so troubling times. In the past, he’s worked on peer-to-peer systems of various kinds. He was behind Karma, the first peer-to-peer currency with a distributed mint, and he also built Credence, a peer-to-peer reputation scheme that counteracted spam and mislabeled files. Emin has also built many other academic peer-to-peer systems, and has worked to defend some of the most popular ones in court. As we near episode 50, we hope you continue to find these discussions of distributed systems, operating systems and systems engineering to be thought provoking. Let’s get into it!


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