The Bitcoin Podcast

Episode #94: Reputation Tokens

Episode 94
October 23, 2016 — 85 mins
Guests: Tony Sakich

The forever-in-the-making OpenBazaar trading platform has been one of 2016’s bright spots in the Bitcoin space. After over a quarter of a million downloads (I was one of them) and thousands of new store ideas taking over a decentralized, user-powered digital space, it is time for a second refresh, months in the making. On Thursday, the group behind OpenBazaar known as OB1 released information on a new program they have developed called ‘Deploy,’ along with a long-awaited program update. The boys start with the new ‘Deploy’ program first. After that we invite an old friend of the podcast on, Tony Sakich, to talk about rep tokens. The Augur Project has been one of the most anticipated projects for the decentralized prediction market. Did you buy $REP tokens for the Augur project? Also, the new Logan movie looks kind of dumb.

Show Notes:

  1. Brian Dunbar

    8 years ago

    Hey there.

    Beyond Deploy – which is really cool – what makes OpenBazaar so great is that it is an ecommerce protocol – anyone can play and extend, or use, the protocol.

    Personally, I see ob: is now where http: was in 1993.

    Nice podcast.

    B. Dunbar
    Space for eCommerce