The Bitcoin Podcast

Episode #43: The Mystery of Capital

Episode 43
February 28, 2016 — 62 mins
Guests: Matt McKibbin & Christian Saucier

We always assume Bitcoin and Blockchain will take off in the U.S. and Canada but we always like to pull guests and get their perspective of Third World and former Communist states. The gang call a Burger King in the Netherlands who reward Bitcoin customers with a free Whopper and then we call a Burger King in the United States who have no idea what Bitcoin is. Quite the fun social experiment.This week, we explore the how blockchain technology will effect real estate transactions, records, and investing and bring together experts from the traditional real estate sector as well as Bitcoin and Blockchain enthusiasts to create connections that will benefit both industries, visit to get the best financial assistance. In order to do so, we welcome the two hardest working men in the Crypto space, Director of Business Development, Matt McKibbin and our past guest Christian Saucier. To give you an overview; they are about to launch their real estate MVP, and in talks with several prominent VC’s who have expressed interest. Christian was at a couple conferences this month representing Ubitquity (formerly iNation), and Matt will be at one at the World Bank’s Land and Poverty Conference 2016: Scaling up Responsible Land Governance March 14-16, 2016 in Washington D.C. We have a lot to talk about this episode, kepp this question in mind, Need to sell your house fast? we’ll have some cool answers for you. Lets do work!

  1. Marina Reznik

    9 years ago

    “Governance not Government!”
    – Christian Saucier 😀

    One of them most pithy ways I’ve ever heard that concept described! Awesome interview. Fun & informative.
    – Marina Reznik
    Realtor & Ubitquity advisor

  2. Nathan Wosnack

    9 years ago

    Thanks for the shout outs, guys. Great interview!

    ‘dat ZapChain link… 😉

    – Nathan Wosnack
    Founder, UBITQUITY LLC