The Bitcoin Podcast

Episode #36: Bakesales for Bombers

Episode 36
January 24, 2016 — 62 mins
Guests: M.K. Lords

No matter what our background is, the longer we do this podcast, the more community experience we can add to our resumes. We take a break from prodding technological advances and invite an Airbitz community manager on. After all, all three of us are Airbitz ambassadors, we might as well do our part. M.K. Lords joins us on the show this week and although she sounds like the level 9 boss on Dark Souls II, she was actually a writer and panelist with Bitcoin Not Bombs, Bitcoin Magazine, and other Bitcoin media groups. M.K. is a prominent voice for privacy and accountability in the Bitcoin space and she brings her diverse experience in public speaking, writing, event organization and content creation to the podcast to school us on spreading the values of the Airbitz team. After all….Airbitz helps to spend bitcoins “in the real world”. If you start seeing the same black cat walk past your door twice, YOUR WINDOWS JUST TURNED INTO BRICK WALLS, RUN!!