The Bitcoin Podcast

The Bitcoin Podcast #257

Episode 257
May 13, 2019 — 75 mins

This week the boys open up the phone lines to talk about a myriad of topics including the ever-so-easy to use lightning + lightning exchanges + halving in 2020 = 99.9% of the planet will no longer be able to buy a full coin #FOMO. At least we are seeing a price increase and the boys try to figure out what happened, which leads into an exciting talk on UI, Devcon5 location talk, and marketing. Crypto Bully, Jordan from MyCrypto, and fans of the show join us in an hour long roundtable that you don’t want to miss!


– BTC: 1DzakJiMj9cTkQiujPjC5KJkCGUdvsWJEP
– ETH: 0x7A6b92ac5A64A2A5161D89cb980fe4c50E888dCA
– LTC: LSrAehXcciL7PhgaeiykK9pW7cqMHLUh9N
– ERC20: 0x5339f93ea94C4795D649D7C6EcfdD01dC4Cf5d2E