The Bitcoin Podcast

The Bitcoin Podcast #254: Eric Conner

Episode 254
April 23, 2019 — 85 mins

This week the boys get into the weeds on releasing products in this space. We are waiting patiently! Also, masculinity in crypto, staking, and price talk is all wrapped up into a neat hour as we celebrate going back to the old format of interviews and sponsor. Eric Conner joins us this week! Editor of EthHub, a top writer in Bitcoin, and he is a host of his own podcast. Schwing!


– BTC: 1DzakJiMj9cTkQiujPjC5KJkCGUdvsWJEP
– ETH: 0x7A6b92ac5A64A2A5161D89cb980fe4c50E888dCA
– LTC: LSrAehXcciL7PhgaeiykK9pW7cqMHLUh9N
– ERC20: 0x5339f93ea94C4795D649D7C6EcfdD01dC4Cf5d2E