The Bitcoin Podcast

The Bitcoin Podcast #238

Episode 238
December 30, 2018 — 75 mins

One of the most recognized wallets, Electron Cash is also reportedly under attack by phishers. They leveraged a characteristic in the design of these wallets that depends on connecting to several servers to operate. However, these servers must be trusted and it seems some of them have been configured to behave in a malicious way, delivering messages that direct users to download a fake wallet update. Ray Redacted and Corey go head on to explain what happened. In addition, a listener calls in and asks us how the bear market effects job-seeking in this space into 2019. Thanks for joining us this year! This is our last show of the year and we’ll see ya in 2019!


– BTC: 1DzakJiMj9cTkQiujPjC5KJkCGUdvsWJEP
– ETH: 0x7A6b92ac5A64A2A5161D89cb980fe4c50E888dCA
– LTC: LSrAehXcciL7PhgaeiykK9pW7cqMHLUh9N
– ERC20: 0x5339f93ea94C4795D649D7C6EcfdD01dC4Cf5d2E