The Bitcoin Podcast #236: Ronnie Moas
Ronnie Moas, the founder of Standpoint Research, a top-ranking stock and crypto picker, comes on our show to talk about the $DIG fiasco that has been frustrating him lately and wants to set the record straight. However, unlike the other guys (we ain’t naming names!), you know we give people a platform to speak but we also know a lot of concerned followers of his have questions that need answered. Ronnie Moas admits here that he did no due diligence, did not analyze anything about Arbitrade or DIG. We are not accusing Ronnie Moas of being corrupt, but at the very least was he reckless? We try to get to the bottom of it as we invite Ray Redacted onto the show to spitball commentary with us as well as speak with Ronnie himself. The token, Dignity (DIG), will have a one-dollar USD of gold bullion reserved against each token. Details about the company, the tokens, the bullion reserves, and the Board are all touched upon in this episode. We try our best to cover everything. Just remember folks, Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. Stay safe out there.
– BTC: 1DzakJiMj9cTkQiujPjC5KJkCGUdvsWJEP
– ETH: 0x7A6b92ac5A64A2A5161D89cb980fe4c50E888dCA
– LTC: LSrAehXcciL7PhgaeiykK9pW7cqMHLUh9N
– ERC20: 0x5339f93ea94C4795D649D7C6EcfdD01dC4Cf5d2E
Pathetic, hope no one makes a same mistake I did signing up for his service
Let’s be clear. Ronnie is really speaking from skepticism. What I heard from his interview, and what was his turning point was that the company didn’t get back with him. The names given didn’t actually include middle names? Really? Who introduces themselves by their full legal name? No one does. That’s who. That held no merit and was actually quite funny. He “not sure” if the gold is legit? Doesn’t mean it’s not. And plenty of people have worked for companies and industries that get shut down, hence the mortgage industry and stock market took a huge fall. Doesn’t mean that the employees knowingly had a hand in shadyness, and If they did, they would have felonies to follow. He needs to be real clear. There is much at steak for all parties involved. Ronnie in poor judgement posted the personal phone numbers and email adresses on all of his public social forums of the people he is accusing of being scamers. What if in fact he is wrong? That’s just unethical and lacks integrity and shows utter disregard and. professionalism and points to another example of how he reacts recklessly without consideration. What if he in fact, at least for right now is ruining people’s investment all due to him emotional erupting to such a degree that it is causing red flags, when in fact the only issue is that there are time delays? Again, he should be sure on what he refers to and is suggesting before going public. The irony in this, is that that is exactly what he claims he did the first time. What if in fact Ronnie just fucked himself out of all the shares he has purchased because he single handedly kept the price of DIG down due to this tantrum and is actually hurting himself and all of his investors that followed him? While he is suggesting it is a scam, based in full speculation no less, and people not getting back with him, he didnt have one legitimate truth to back it up with. There is more proof that this is legitimate and zero proof that it is not. Fear is a funny thing, and that’s all that is behind this scam mentality. Until all the facts are in, it is not a time to make declarations. He was demanding timelines and threatening the company that if they don’t provide timelines that he will take action. There is zero evidence that it is a scam. Ronnie snaped out. His pride got the best of him when he started to demand timelines and now he needs everyone to go fuck themselves. I’m pretty sure he has mastered that himself… All by himself… You know, he works alone! I think he revealed himself perfectly on this interview. He just can’t reason, so its “everyone else”… Just like on the interview it everyone else, and just like with DIG and Arbitrade, it’s them! “Damn it… The have middle names and didnt disclose that”… Says Ronnie. Lol okay Ronnie Moas! Good detective work!
Alex Francino
Everyone is free to do whatever you want. Good interview guys, but I would not give a voice to this lying scammer.
I could tell dig was a scam after 15 minutes of research. He would have to be retarded to not see it long ago.
Menno Pietersen
Smooth talking scammer obviously.
This guy is a joke and when you share facts that he does not like, he just block you. He is living in a unicorn world with rainbow. Never ever join his group, he will just screw you and will ask you to pump a coin he can dump later on you.
Former Moas Subscriber
I’m a former subscriber of Ronnie Moas and can vouch that he absolutely pumped DIG harder than any other crypto or stock name since I started following him. Moreover, his gross intolerance for any dissenting views on DIG only increased my suspicions of him, leading to the cancellation of my subscription… in response to which Ronnie sent me a nasty e-mail. When the time comes for the SEC to investigate the DIG scam, Ronnie Moas should be investigated in tandem. He undoubtedly deserves a fine from regulators.
Not Resubsribing
Ronnie Moas charges $1200 or $600 for his crypto recommendations per year depending if your net worth is below or above $50,000.
Ronnie Moas pumped this coin more than any coin I’ve seen in the space. Sure he did say not to put more than 5%-6% of your money into crypto, but shilled this name almost on a daily basis.
He even went so far as telling his subscribers to put on a diaper because Dig was going to explode at any minute. Also, telling his subscribers that he owned more Dignity than Bitcoin because he had so much conviction in the name. Hinting his subscribers to be overweight Dig.
He used his celebrity in the space to mislead his subscribers and doesn’t want to take any responsibility. You fucked yourself Ronnie. Not resubscribing.
Ronnie says he charges 700 dollars. That is a lie. I paid 2400 dollars for his crypto and stock subscription.
Tom Hardy
Moas is scam artist and mentally retarded. His analysis is copy paste google! Old man trying to be relevant in area he has no idea about.
Great podcast 👍. After listening to it I think if I ever get back into crypto after I got into dig it will only be Bitcoin. Thanks for the great podcast. Oh….by the way “go fuck yo self” lmao
Great interview guys. Ronnie Moas is a 100% fraud.
Do a little more research on DIG as its legitimacy was not talked about here which it should have.