The Bitcoin Podcast

The Bitcoin Podcast #228: Rene Pickhardt

Episode 228
October 21, 2018 — 99 mins
Guests: Rene Pickhardt

This week, Rene Pickhardt stops by to chat some high-level topics with us. He is a data science consultant, hacker, and a bitcoin & lightning network admirer. In addition, a friend of the podcast, Joe Blau, joins us on the roundtable to talk about counterintuitive marketing insights concerning crypto, the tech behind it, and mass adoption.

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– BTC: 1DzakJiMj9cTkQiujPjC5KJkCGUdvsWJEP
– ETH: 0x7A6b92ac5A64A2A5161D89cb980fe4c50E888dCA
– LTC: LSrAehXcciL7PhgaeiykK9pW7cqMHLUh9N
– ERC20: 0x5339f93ea94C4795D649D7C6EcfdD01dC4Cf5d2E