The Bitcoin Podcast

Episode #21: Call for Papers

Episode 21
October 11, 2015 — 68 mins
Guests: Chris Wilmer & Richard Burley

Bitcoin has mesmerized academics, computer scientists and economists alike, for cutting out the PayPals and governments usually required for digital money. Enter: Ledger. A peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes full-length original research articles on the subjects of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, as well as any relevant intersections with mathematics, computer science, engineering, law, and economics. Right on the heel of their inaugural issue of the very first peer-reviewed academic publication, we chat with managing editors, Prof. Christopher E. Wilmer, University of Pittsburgh, and Richard Ford Burley. Join us this week as they shed some light on the journal as it strives to serve both the general public and the Bitcoin research community through the dissemination of high-quality and timely scholarly content.

  1. Swain

    9 years ago

    Ledger is *NOT* the first peer reviewed academic scholarly journal as stated above, and certainly not even the first to be published online. Perhaps the first published in this area of study…..

    • Corey

      9 years ago

      We of course mean it is the first in the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency space. Let us know what we said that lead you to think we meant otherwise, because thinking this is the first peer-reviewed journal ever is pretty ridiculous, especially coming from the mouth of a PhD in science (myself).

      I’m pretty sure the text herein, as well as the episode do not reflect that idea, but let us know if you think it does, and specifically where, so we can address it.

  2. Barb

    9 years ago

    Thanks so much for this everyone!

    • [email protected]

      9 years ago

      Thank you so much, Barb. We have another new episode coming at you this week!