The Bitcoin Podcast

The Bitcoin Podcast #206: The Crypto Dog

Episode 206
May 31, 2018 — 69 mins
Guests: The Crypto Dog

A nice breezy mid week for you guys as we wrap up the month of May. Ethereum, the world’s second largest cryptocurrency, endured a significant downtrend in the past week – falling nearly 25% in price. With the EOS mainnet launch only days away, questionable sell-offs of ETH suggest the competing smart contract platform may be the price crash culprit. We caht about this and more. The Crypto Dog joins us in the studio to talk humble beginnings. For those of you unfamiliar with the Dog Pound and want to hear more on what they’re all about, this is a good episode to start with. Strap in, gents!


– BTC: 1DzakJiMj9cTkQiujPjC5KJkCGUdvsWJEP
– ETH: 0x7A6b92ac5A64A2A5161D89cb980fe4c50E888dCA
– LTC: LSrAehXcciL7PhgaeiykK9pW7cqMHLUh9N
– ERC20: 0x5339f93ea94C4795D649D7C6EcfdD01dC4Cf5d2E

  1. Foued

    7 years ago

    Nice talk 🙂