The Bitcoin Podcast

Episode #194: Edge Security

Episode 194
April 01, 2018 — 89 mins
Guests: Paul Puey

After over a year of intense development and over three months in a limited release beta, Paul’s highly anticipated multi-asset wallet is now available for all to use! Users all around the world have been clamoring for a private, secure, open-source, and easy to use multi-asset wallet they can depend on. Well, quit yer whining. It’s here. Oh, Paul Puey is here too! This is his 3rd trip to the studio and he’s come along way from EPISODE 5!

The Edge Wallet is an integration of three core offerings: a hyper-secure and private personal vault, a friendly usable interface for blockchain networks and services, and an encrypted single sign-on solution for decentralized applications. All three capabilities will interact to allow behaviors that were inconceivable before Satoshi released the Bitcoin white-paper in late 2008. Ten short years later, here we are folks. Strap in!


– BTC: 1DzakJiMj9cTkQiujPjC5KJkCGUdvsWJEP
– ETH: 0x7A6b92ac5A64A2A5161D89cb980fe4c50E888dCA
– LTC: LSrAehXcciL7PhgaeiykK9pW7cqMHLUh9N
– ERC20: 0x5339f93ea94C4795D649D7C6EcfdD01dC4Cf5d2E

  1. Cheapcustomessays

    7 years ago

    Funny Money One day my hips were way out of whack, Sciatica down my leg and pain in my back. “You need to see a really good chiropractor!, Someone said. (But money was a huge factor.) So I delayed and most stoically, I put it off, Until it hurt just to laugh, sneeze or cough! Finally, I could no longer stand or bear it. I could no longer eat nor sleep, I swear it! Someone then drove me to the Chiro-quack Who knew just how to crack my aching back. I lay faced down on his long cool clinic table, Wondering what, what could he do, if able. He pulled one leg, said, “This one”s short “How can that be? I asked. He gave a snort. “It”s obvious, he said, “It”s as clear as glass. And then he whacked me on my aching ass. Swift went his hand on my left cheek pocket, And deftly swift he withdrew my bulging wallet. “This, he cried, “is the cause of all your pain! “Never, ever wear it in back, never, ever again! The he twisted and cracked me like a pretzel. Sweet relief! I was filled with gratitude, forgetful Of all earthly and monetary cares, loss or profit. I had prepaid, so I happily left without my wallet! Friends, money is funny, (it”s a lot like food or sex) Too little makes us sad, too much, fat, tired wrecks! If your life balance gets out of whack, like mine did, Abstain, diet, slim your wallet down, share! Like I did. cheap custom essays