The Bitcoin Podcast

Episode #179: Innovations and Healthcare

Episode 179
January 21, 2018 — 75 mins
Guests: Pradeep Goel

Blockchain redefines healthcare all over the world – no matter what kind of system you have, whether you are in an African village or the UK NHS or an American hospital. This week we take a look at the Solve.Care platform which can improve health outcomes through effective care coordination while empowering the consumer to effectively manage their healthcare decisions. It represents an innovative new approach to fight fraud, waste and abuse and brings transparency and accountability to healthcare administration.

We return home from Miami while we attended the North American Bitcoin Conference where we saw Solve.Care give a great speech and we continue to question ourselves about how exactly can we make access to the best healthcare an inherent right and not a privilege?

  1. Gustavo Carvalheira

    7 years ago

    The app verifies all eligibility based on patient plan and the clearance process are made at the doctor desk by an online system or app. Very clear process.

  2. Gustavo Carvalheira

    7 years ago

    In Brazil care wallets are already In place for decades. I have my insurance company code and smartphone app. When I need a doctor, I go through the app, choose the specialty and I receive a list of at least 10 doctors in my neighborhood. It is not in a blockchain already but the care wallet is still in place.
