The Bitcoin Podcast

Episode #16: The Dual Revolution

Episode 16
September 06, 2015 — 50 mins
Guests: Christian Saucier

We just realized that we are in the first dual revolution since 1848! How so? Well, we will tell you! This week, the CTO of iNation, Christian Saucier, designed something to let users submit documents to the blockchain where they can be held securely. This might sound mundane, but it really isn’t. With it, users will be able to keep a perfect copy of their passport or deed or will or other legal document in a cryptographically secure place, and be able to access it at anytime using a mobile app. Doesn’t that just blow your hair back? He is an energetic business leader, software engineer, futurist, and early bitcoin adopter with over 20 years of experience bringing together teams who design and implement impactful IT solutions for Fortune 100 companies. We chat about The Byzantine Generals’ Problem, as well as why giving your dad bitcoin for his birthday is the most disappointing gift of all-time.