The Bitcoin Podcast

Episode #105: Music Industry 2.0

Episode 105
December 18, 2016 — 83 mins
Guests: Jesse Grushack

For many people, music is what’s on the radio, and for some, music is therapy, a drug, and life itself. So yes, it is important to talk this week about how exactly blockchain means for Music. Nowadays people just expect blockchain technology to fix everything, but sometime between then and bedtime, the blockchain has made patching up the music industry its creative outlet. If we believe creators need to have greater control over their rights, then it follows that their greatest asset — artistic identity — should remain self-owned rather than in the hands of a third party . Each plane crash makes the next flight safer. We’re a long way from the 747, but we’ve demonstrated that human flight is possible. This week, we start by having the Co-founder of Ujo Music, Mr. Jesse Grushack on to tell us a bit more of this topic. Imogen Heap helped shed some light on this earlier this year for us, but now its time for an up-uppitdy-up-up-update. The music industry was broken. RUN!

  1. suhel miah

    8 years ago

    good one

  2. CTW

    8 years ago

    I have developed a bitcoin paywall solution for musicians and producers at

  3. Old Lady

    8 years ago

    good one