Flashback: The Bitcoin Podcast #68: Deconstructing theDAO Attack

This is a Flashback Episode, we are going back to June 2016 in which Emin Gün Sirer makes his second of seven appearances on The Bitcoin Podcast Network.  Emin Gün Sirer is a great mind and future thinker for CryptoCurrency, smart contracts and DAOs. I’m also supporting his stance to start working on DAO2.0 in… Continue reading Flashback: The Bitcoin Podcast #68: Deconstructing theDAO Attack

The Bitcoin Podcast #385- We Do Not Talk About Bitcoin… No, Nooo.,Noooo

 On this Roundtable disscusion Dee, Jessie, and Corey talk about the exposure of theDAO hacker, KeyStone Hardware Wallet give away, and better security. The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: https://launchpass.com/thebitcoinpodcast Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/TheBitcoinPodcastNetwork Website: https://thebitcoinpodcast.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/thebtcpodcast DADDAO: https://daddao.org/

Flashback: The Bitcoin Podcast #132- Dark Side of the Prism

This week the boys welcome back to the show and interview Erik Voorhees of the instant, trustless cryptocurrency exchange ShapeShift.io about their new venture, Prism, which is a trustless means of holding multiple assets via ShapeShift.io and its own Ethereum token. Also we talk about how a person brand new to crypto, how easy the… Continue reading Flashback: The Bitcoin Podcast #132- Dark Side of the Prism

Flashback: The Bitcoin Podcast #72-The Broader Economy

Things aren’t looking good. Currencies everywhere are in dire straits. The credit agency offering credit restoration services in Vegas, Fitch sees potential catastrophe for the EU if the Italian banking system fails. China is crash landing their economy. Right now the argument that bitcoin will die is very difficult to make based on past experiences. We tackle how… Continue reading Flashback: The Bitcoin Podcast #72-The Broader Economy

The Bitcoin Podcast #384- Lixin Liu of KeyStone Hardware Wallet

In the roundtable discussion Dee, Corey, and Jesse talk about the latest in crypto news, catch up on life , gamming, and talk about Eth Denver. Our Interview is with Lixin Liu of KeyStone Hardware Wallet. You can get a discount code of 10% when you enter TBPN upon checkout. Offer Good for Six Days.… Continue reading The Bitcoin Podcast #384- Lixin Liu of KeyStone Hardware Wallet

Flashback: The Bitcoin Podcast #46- The Fundamental Conflict

This is a Flashback Episode, we are going back to March 2016 in which our Guest  Emin Gün Sirer makes his first of seven appearances on The Bitcoin Podcast Network.  The boys compare bitcoin to the Animatrix and we invite Emin, a professor at Cornell University to talk a bit about how he has worked… Continue reading Flashback: The Bitcoin Podcast #46- The Fundamental Conflict

The Bitcoin Podcast #383- By The Power of the Executive Order

 On this Roundtable Dee and Jesse catch up with Corey Petty, talk about hacks, thefts, blockchain operations, chickens, and Biden’s incoming Executive Order. The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: https://launchpass.com/thebitcoinpodcast Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/TheBitcoinPodcastNetwork Website: https://thebitcoinpodcast.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/thebtcpodcast DADDAO: https://daddao.org/

The Bitcoin Podcast #382- Joe and Johad Atomize.xyz

In this interview Dee and Jesse speake to long time Slack members Joe Blau and Johad Ellis Co-Founders of Atomize.xyz. Atomize.xyz is a platform that makes it easier for users to create NFTs on multiply blockchain Social Media Of Atomize.xyz Website: https://atomize.xyz/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/atomizexyz Telegram: https://t.me/atomizexyz Discord: https://discord.com/invite/atomize Github: https://github.com/atomizexyz The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: https://launchpass.com/thebitcoinpodcast Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/TheBitcoinPodcastNetwork Website: https://thebitcoinpodcast.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/thebtcpodcast DADDAO: https://daddao.org/

The Bitcoin Podcast #381- Do Not Call Me Solana

Dee and Jesse talk about the New Year and the DADDAO. The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: https://launchpass.com/thebitcoinpodcast Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/TheBitcoinPodcastNetwork Website: https://thebitcoinpodcast.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/thebtcpodcast DADDAO: https://daddao.org/

The Bitcoin Podcast #380- It Is The End Of The Year As We Know It

Dee, Jessie, and Corey talk about DADDAO, predictions for 2022,  and what the year of 2021 brought to crypto. The Bitcoin Podcast Social Media Join-Slack: https://launchpass.com/thebitcoinpodcast Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/TheBitcoinPodcastNetwork Website: https://thebitcoinpodcast.com Twitter:  https://twitter.com/thebtcpodcast DADDAO: https://discord.gg/bzvFfdjG