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Buy or Sell, What the Hell #2

Episode 2
September 05, 2017 — 48 mins

On this episode of Buy or Sell WTH we talk about what is “money”, including the heated debate between gold and digital currencies. Jason, an institutional trader for over ten years, gives his take on the subject. And of course this episode includes a list of our buys for the week and a discussion about what made us interested in them.

  1. nick

    7 years ago

    what’s the name of the intro song? thanks!

  2. JT

    8 years ago

    Love the new show and the improved intro music!

  3. Will

    8 years ago

    Good show. Would appreciate more elaborate show notes plus links.

  4. Mike

    8 years ago

    Great episode, enjoyed it! Keep it coming. Thanks for sharing your knowledge guys!

    • Ritz

      8 years ago

      We are working on a regular schedule. Let us know if there something specific you might want covered. We will see if we can fit it in a futures episode.

      Jenkins Risk Management

    • Ritz

      8 years ago

      sorry- “future episode”