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Buy or Sell, What the Hell #14: A Lawyer’s Perspective

Episode 14
March 07, 2018 — 48 mins

In today’s episode of Buy or Sell, JJ, Alec, and Dee invite a Lawyer on the show that is not running away from the space, but embracing the opportunity. Philip Fornaro’s law firm is actively seeking out crypto clients and offering their clients advice, representation, and services that are hard to find for people looking to start a business and work in the crypto arena. He gives do’s and don’ts, and dabbles into some of the details on the legal environment that crypto operates in today. If you are launching a business, or if you just have questions about how to approach situations in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, you can contact Philip buy trying any of these links:

Crypto page:

Home page:

The Entrepreneur side of Fornaro Law page (touches on Crypto):




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  1. Jeremiah Nichol

    7 years ago

    Really enjoyed this interview!