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BlockChannel Episode 3: Zero Knowledge, the Future of Privacy

Episode 03
December 01, 2016 — 60 mins
Guests: Zooko Wilcox

On this weeks episode of BlockChannel, host McKie and Dee interview creator of ZCash and cryptopgraphy legend, Zooko Wilcox. Dr. Corey Petty, host of The Bitcoin Podcast joins us as well in this interview as a guest host as we dive into use cases for zero-knowledge proofs, and encrypted messaging. Zooko even shares tips for “young, hip and fresh developers” to join the ZCash developer community. This episode is a must listen for anyone whose knowledge of ZCash is…zero.
ZCash Official Site:
Zcash RPC API documentation:
Zero-Knowledge Messaging (Encrypted Memo Field):
Intro/Outro: “Wednesday Interlude” by Umai
Listen on Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/album/4dxrz5i766MZP8FibvqpeI?play=true
Listen on Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/cheap-sunglasses/id1175146156?i=1175147116