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BlockChannel Episode 23: Unmasking the Future, with Metamask

On this episode of BlockChannel, McKie, Dee, and Dr. Petty are joined by Dan Finlay from the Metamask team. Metamask is a chrome extension that enables you to access a variety of different ethereum related tokens in order to transact and interact with the web — with the additional capabilities of interfacing with the Ethereum public chain. Their plugin and service has exploded in popularity, and developers are using it to embed Ethereum related functionality into traditional webpages. These sorts of services are pivotal in bringing more adoption in the crypto space by simplifying interacting with these new complex networks of trust online; thankfully we picked Dan’s head accordingly and got the scoop on their vision and background. We also discuss ICOs, and potential alternative methods for raising that may be coming around the corner in the future to alleviate congestion on the network.

Show Links(s):
Metamask: http://metasmask.io

Intro/Outro Music “Coins” by Aubrey Gouch:https://soundcloud.com/aubreygouch/coin

Show Sponsor(s):
ZCash: http://zcash.co
ZCash Foundation: https://z.cash/blog/announcing-the-zcash-foundation.html