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BlockChannel Episode 14: Ethereum Foundation Researcher, Absurdist, Troll – Vlad Zamfir

On this episode of BlockChannel, McKie, Dee, and Dr. Petty sit down with Vlad Zamfir in their studio (not really, but if ETH keeps going up, maybe). The topic of the show revolves around Vlad Zamfir, his background, brief history — and discussions around his research for the Ethereum Foundation for Proof of Stake. Vlad also shares his thoughts on the current scaling debate occurring in Bitcoin, and his opinions on PoW (spoilers: he doesn’t like).

Show Links:

Ethereum Foundation: www.ethereum.org/foundation
Vlad’s Blog: https://medium.com/@Vlad_Zamfir
Vlad’s Twitter: twitter.com/VladZamfir

Intro/Outro Music “C’est La Via” by Umai

Show Sponsor(s):
CryptoDex: www.cryptodex.io/