The Bitcoin Podcast

Episode #39: Running the Gamut

Episode 39
February 7, 2016 — 65 mins
Guests: Justin Newton

If not for DNS (domain name systems), very few people would be able to visit this website. They’d have to know that our server’s IP address is something like Needless to say, readership/listenership of The Bitcoin Podcast would probably never reach “mass adoption.” Netki is a company that’s betting that domain names will do for Bitcoin what they did for the Internet. But instead of visiting websites, you’d be visiting someone’s wallet. CEO of Netki, Justin Newton, joins us in the studio this week to discuss both usability and user security. In the past, he co-founded what became the largest trade association for Internet Provider’s, helping to pass the Internet Tax Moratorium. He led technology teams at 3 $1B+ IPO’s, and created early standards around DoS attack prevention. After 20 years in the Internet startup scene, he took his experience from the early commercialization of the Internet and applied it to the Bitcoin ecosystem, looking for barriers to mass market adoption that needed to be solved across the industry.  Wait, did he say MASS ADOPTION? Stay in your lane Justin! Kidding…you’re smarter/richer/more handsome than us. School us for 30 minutes!