The Bitcoin Podcast

Episode #129: The Inherent Risks

Episode 129
May 21, 2017 — 84 mins
Guests: Nick Johnson

Www dot Ethereum dot com… Or something like that. Our latest and greatest guest Nick Johnson, the GoDaddy of crypto, is personally responsible for the current way hash domains are claimed on the Ethereum blockchain. It’s the “dot com” gold rush 2.0! YeeHa!

Just got involved with Ethereum 9 months ago” -Nick Johnson

This episode we’re Not really, but we do come heavy with the ETH. What’s your dream .eth domain? BTW, M.eth is taken.

Press play and listen to Corey and Nick Johnson talk about Ethereum like you’ve never heard. A conversation that dives deep into the internet of things, covering everything from code to usability. Ethereum, Ether, Eth.

“Buying” a domain on the Ethereum Network is nothing like a traditional
domain purchase. If you’ve ever considered jumping into the blockchain equivalent of a “dot com” gold rush, you won’t want to miss this episode! Nick Johnson so eloquently explains the process, even a PAB will get it.

We clearly couldn’t have done that without the blockchain” -Nick Johnson

Ethereum’s blockchain offers so much more than what we could ever imagine today. Just like nobody seen 4k video streaming in the 90s. It’s conversations like these, with people like this, that connect the dots for those of us who are simply spectating this cryptocurrency experiment. These nerds geek out over the possibilities of Ethereum and smart contracts. There’s a lot to take from this episode, just don’t take it for granted…

In 10 words or less, can you explain Ethereum?
“Distributed blockchain platform building trustless applications” -Nick Johnson

  1. Lane Miller

    8 years ago

    Thanks for the shout out! I just sent 645.79288 to your xrp account, and it was supposedly successful. Let me know if you got it. If not, I’ll send a check in the mail:)

    • Corey Petty

      8 years ago

      Successful! Thanks a lot man! Cello is going straight to buy that new mic! Crowdfunding at its finest.

  2. Lane Miller

    8 years ago

    Great episode, but I could barely hear it. I wish I could send Cello a thousand Ripple so he can get his clothes dryer fixed. However, I don’t have a Swiss Army Wallet that will allow me to do so.

    • Corey Petty

      8 years ago

      Thank you for the feedback, we try to minimize noise but sometimes it just doesn’t work out! Also, here’s a Ripple address rMDQqbVJbaMWw7rsfpNwwT7vwDkahHRbBZ Hope you keep listening.

      • Lane Miller

        8 years ago

        I will always listen! Thank you. Just spent 20 minuets trying to donate 645.81288 XRP to your account and got nothing but errors. It’s 8:00 am, so I think Kraken is overloaded. Sometimes error 520, and sometimes ‘this action is unavailable at this time’. Sorry, I tried!

      • Lane Miller

        8 years ago

        Now I’m getting error 504 from Kraken. Can’t buy, sell, send or withdraw.